If you graduate to having more than one account to farm, consider ASF since Idle Master doesn't scale for use with multiple accounts at all. So basically, there's really no worries to be had about programs or scripts that help you farm, buy, sell, trade, or craft items so long as you're not ripping anyone off or hammering Steam with requests. The last is slightly less rare and mostly requires you to be doing something extremely stupid with an existing program or script. The third is an astronomically rare consequence of doing something extremely stupid with an army of accounts and isn't even possible for 99.999% of users since only a handful of people-literally a handful-have enough accounts to be able to do that. People who farm aren't engaged in the first two. All Valve cares is that you aren't defrauding people, cheating, operating a (malicious) botnet, or hammering the hell out of their servers. This is typically caused by Steams servers not responding to the web request correctly. Usually signing in again fixes this issue. If this screen appears for more than 30 seconds its perfectly safe to close the application and restart it. Valve is aware that programs and scripts for idling cards and performing other automated tasks exist. Sometimes Idle Master gets stuck after saving your info and says 'Idle Master is saving your information'.